Saturday, 4 October 2014

The last few months...

All I can start with is that I'm pretty lame at this blogging game! I have all good intentions of sitting down in the evening once Harley has settled into bed but in reality that never happens!! Tidying up toys, having a shower, sleeping or tv normally takes over so I find myself not having much time to concentrate on what I want to do! 
However that being said, I've found it very important as a mum to have that bit of me time every once in a while. The dishes can wait until after, the toys will all be out again tomorrow anyway and I can blog and catch up on tv at the same time!! 
Here's what has happened over the last few months: 


Harley turned one and we had the loveliest day celebrating with friends and family in the park with a picnic. (Harley was clearly oblivious we were all there for him and slept for hours whilst we all celebrated!) The weather was warm and sunny, we played cricket, tennis and made Daisies out of balloons for the kids. Oh and ate loads of chocolate cake obvs...


Love a good sunrise when getting up at ridiculous hours to go to work, makes the getting up part a bit nicer doesn't it?!?! Luckily this view is always from our bedroom so I get this view most mornings :) 


Aaaaaaaaaand he's off!!! Walking is now happening (actually it's more like running now) and I've learnt to have eyes in the back of my head! 



It was my birthday and we spent the day at Epsom race course. It was just so nice to get out of London for the weekend and have a little bit of peace and quiet away from the greyness of London. Sadly, bday luck didn't happen and I didn't choose any winners but it was a lovely, relaxing day with my family and Harley loved seeing the horses. 

Now roll on autumn...